At some point along this ride we have to start saying yes to the things we want. It’s even bigger than that though. There’s this thing we have to get past. It’s called permission.

permissionI have found that there were some things I wasn’t getting out of life because I wouldn’t give myself permission to have what I say it is I want. Yes, I would talk my friends ears off about the life I wanted for myself. I had big dreams and that’s all they were. There wasn’t a plan to get any of it. As they say, “a goal without a plan is just a dream.” {tweet this} I finally figured out that I didn’t think I was allowed to have the life, the home, the career I wanted. I guess, on some level, I thought that type of “on your own terms” living was reserved for a select few.

Then, I decided to tell myself a different story. As I sat down to make one of my MANY lists, I gave myself permission to have everything on those lists. It sounds so simple but telling myself yes was really one of the first steps to living a life that brings me a little more happy. And who couldn’t use a little more happy, right?

I said yes to being an author, which led me down the road of entrepreneur. That was something I hadn’t so much considered but have eagerly said yes to. The most rewarding yes had to be the decision to spend more time at home with my kids. Here’s what I’m learning, there are some things that keep nagging at us. There are things to change, things we want, etc. Once we give in and say yes, the details kinda fill themselves in. Here are a few more things on my “PERMISSION GRANTED!” list:

  • A healthier lifestyle – I’m slowly moving our family to a more plant based diet. Got any great recipes? Feel free to share!
  • Extra energy – I think this is going to come with a commitment to consistently work out and get more sleep.
  • Less stress – I tend to take on a million things. I’ll be scaling down my list.
  • Conquering overwhelm – See above! LOL!
  • Keeping a positive out look – I think all of these things will help keep my outlook in check. πŸ™‚

So, now your turn. PERMISSION GRANTED! What’s one thing big or small that you could say yes to?

P.S. The June newsletter comes out this week! Are you on the list? Sign up below. πŸ™‚


49 Comments on Yes, You Can Have…

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! I found so much motivation and inspiration in it. Today I am giving myself permission for all-out, no-holds-barred success and to be one of those select few who “live on their own terms”! Thanks for this! πŸ˜€

  2. This is a great post.There is a lot of things i need to say yes to myself more. 1 being not to take on too much and get more rest.(never happens lol).

  3. I think this is so true for so many people! Such a great post! I need to give myself permission to accept success. I feel like I hold myself back on a lot of levels! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I finally gave myself permission to rebrand. It’s in the works, and I’m so at peace with the decision now that I finally went there.

  5. Ugh right now it’s permission to be sick and not work. Yeah I still have to work. Sigh. πŸ™‚

  6. Really nice post – give yourself permission to do anything that makes your heart sing…that is my feeling! And I have way too many recipes to share, so if you let me know what you crave the most, I’d be happy to send some suggestions your way!

  7. Spot on! Our beliefs, language and thoughts are such key players in our life. I love how you are taking action! So many people say, “I wish I could… or someday… Or a pet peeve for me, “The problem with that is, and then there is an excuse. You are just going for it. So inspiring! Thanks so much πŸ˜‰

  8. I am scaling down my lists too. You can only do so much in the day, and the important things in life have to come first.

  9. I love the positive message here. That way of thinking has turned my life around. I give myself permission to ask for what I want these days, i.e., not working for free!

  10. I love every word of this! I can say yes to taking time for myself. With a little one at home, I sometimes put myself on the back burner……

  11. Those are great goals. I have many of the same. I just got into oils big time and it has been helping me with so much!! You can do this!!

  12. This is a great post! There are so many things that I deprive myself from, but not because I need to, but because it won’t be good for me. However, lately, I discover that there are also good things that I don’t give myself a chance to have and this post reminds me to have a quick break from time to time. Thanks for this post. πŸ™‚

  13. I have switched to an almost raw vegan diet about a year ago and I use doTERRA oils instead of medicine. As I get older I realize that good health is up to the individual

  14. This is a great post. Permission to be healthier, have more fun, love without fear, know that everything is aligned for the greater good. Beautiful reminder. If you need recipes let me know!

  15. ME TIME!!! When I started to accept the fact that it is okay for me to have ME TIME. Very valuable lesson I learned. Take care of myself 1st then the rest will follow. It is so true!

  16. To keep doing what I love and to keep helping other because you never know when it’s YOU who needs the help.

  17. I have some things in my life that could use ‘permission granted’ stamps on them. This post is inspiring!

  18. I love this. I’m all about permission, but realize it’s easier said than done… Lately I’ve given myself permission to “let it be easy & fun”. Being aware of this and looking for “how” things can be easier and fun is changing the way I work, live and definitely has impacted my stress level! GREAT post!

  19. My husband and I were recently in this point of transition. Talking and talking but never making that leap. And then one week enough was enough and we took action. Now our life is completely changing. We’re still a little scared but super hopeful and excited for this new adventure.

  20. Love this thought process! πŸ˜€ I could say yes to shutting the laptop and spending the day outdoors with my kids!

  21. This is SO true! I have dreamed and envisioned and hoped and even worked…. but I needed to claim it and know I was worthy! I love this reminder!

    Deepak Chopra’s book “The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire” was a tremendous help for me πŸ™‚

  22. Oh this is such a motivational and inspirational post. I think we do need to say YES and give ourselves permission every day for any reason at all. Perfect post!

  23. Taking control of our family budget! I feel like a lot of our stress comes from the fact that we let our family budget control us instead of vice versa, so I am definitely working on that.

  24. I need to say yes to saying no more. I need to let myself know that I don’t have to stress myself out by doing for others all the time. If I said no occasionally, I would have more time for me and less stress.

  25. I think this is a great post. Too often we forget to give ourselves permission because we are always doing it for others.

  26. LOVE this post! I’m giving myself permission to give my blog a real chance and try to make it my full time job!

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