Fin. I’m done with it. TGIF and I shall now part ways. Yep, we broke up.
I am all aboard and hitching my wagon to that whole “ain’t life grand train”. I am all about not being this girl anymore.
I don’t know that I’ve ever really hated Mondays. Yeah, it means the end of the far too short weekend. Yes, it’s back to the grind. Still, I was never mad at it. We had our moments though. Let’s be clear on that! LOL!
Then, I started to think about things a bit different. I started to feel like that countdown to Friday was really me just rushing my life along. I didn’t like that feeling. Most of my week was spent at work. That’s five days out of seven. Why have a countdown going for that much of my life only to make myself happy for two, very rushed days? That didn’t jibe with me. My weeks are different now. I spend ALL week with my kids. Our week can be a grind. My son is starting elementary school today and the grind is about to really kick into high gear. He’s got to be at school at 7:50a. He’ll be in some extra curricular activities. My daughter has her classes and activities that will shift according to his new schedule. Then there’s that time I need to squeeze in there to do me. Yep, Monday through Friday is going to be a grind. It’s one that I’m not rushing though.
If watching my babies grow up teaches me anything, it’s that time FLIES! I don’t need to rush it. Um, I’m suddenly the mom of an elementary school student people. Time is FLYING! More than anything, I want it to slow down a bit.
Starting this new phase, my son could NOT be more excited. He’s only talking about all the new friends he’s going to meet. He can’t wait to go to school because “I need to learn, Mommy.” His blind enthusiasm is so innocent. I’m deciding to take a page from his book. He hasn’t had a case of the Mondays and in his world they don’t exist. Every day is just a new day for an awesome adventure, time to learn something new, make new friends and see new things. Ding! That’s how I want to see life. Let me borrow those rose colored glasses! It may seem unrealistic but I am all about seeing the good and the positive. When we focus on the good and positive, we begin to see more of it. That being the case, I say bring it Monday! Tell Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday that I look forward to meeting them too. In due time.
What’s your take on Mondays? It is back to the grind or bring it on!?