
Wanna Feel Good? Start Here…


When it comes to feeling good, we all want piece of that! While I am a firm believer in going after your dreams, I know that isn’t always easy. Sometimes we don’t go after what we want because we don’t feel like we’re worth it or we just don’t feel good. I think it’s important to work on ourselves from the inside out. Before we can take that first full step toward something we really want, sometimes we need to stand still.

Going for your dreams really means that you’ve decided to do something for you. You’ve decided to listen to that small voice and make your unique contribution to the world. Before your journey onto doing that BIG thing for you, try doing a few small things. It will get your mind in the right spot and get you ready to make your move toward the big thing.

Consider this your invitation to FEEL GOOD!  Here are a few suggestions to get your feel good mojo moving:

Take a drive… Crank your favorite song and sing along – LOUD!

This one works for me EVERY TIME!


Go for a walk…Notice all the little things. I bet you’ll find some inspiration.

Try something new with your hair… A new outlook sometimes starts with a new look.

new hairSelf care anyone… How about getting a mani or pedi? Letting someone take care of you encourages you to keep it up and take better care of you too.

Put on something that makes you feel good… That could be a favorite blouse, dress or  jeans. Ahem,  it could also be what you put on underneath it all.  Whatever makes you feel good, ROCK it! You’ll feel good and the reason why can be your little secret.

What gives you an instant shot of feel good?

Dusting off the To-Do List


Spring is FINALLY here! I know so many people have been looking forward to the warmer weather (I’m looking at you east coast). Here in L.A., it’s been Spring-like for a while but I’m still super excited about the change in seasons. Longer days, more time out enjoying the city with the family and the clothes! I’m a sucker for warm weather fashion. There’s something about lighter fabrics, strappy sandals and sundresses. That just may be my idea of heaven.

Spring-Is-The-Time-Of-Plans-And-ProjectsI see Spring as a bit of a fresh start. It like New Year 2.0. There’s all of this energy and excitement  for what’s to come. From the anticipation of Summer to Spring blooms, it’s like we all find something to look forward to again. Even if those New Year’s resolutions are now collecting a bit of dust, Spring gives us the nod to sweep off the dust and start again. Personally, I think we’d all get more done and stick to our resolutions if the new year started in Spring or Summer anyway, right?  The grey days of Winter can make it hard to stay committed to anything but comfort food. LOL!

not salmonFor this faux New Year, I’m going to take the opportunity to finish a guide I’ve been writing. It’s all about taking care of the dreamer’s inside us as mother’s! I’ll keep you posted on that one! Do you make any fresh starts during Spring? How about taking a minute to make some promises to yourself. Let the warmer weather be your motivation to keep them!


Dream Now, Live Later?


On a recent trip to Target (seriously, I spend WAY too much time there), I stopped by the cards section and noticed a card about living the life you deserve. I was all offended. Yeah, the idea of it all was nice but this card was in the retirement section.

retirement ecard

It made me think about the way things usually go. People work all of their lives toward that pie in the sky called retirement. That’s supposed to be when you are really able to live and enjoy life. It seems to me that doesn’t work. If we wait until retirement to enjoy life, we’ve already missed so much. For my generation, retirement seems SO far away. We are going to need millions to be able to live comfortably. Some people fully expect to work until they are 70 years old.

Yes, at 70 years old is when you can begin to enjoy and life the life of your dreams. For most people, 70 years old finds them tired and many have health issues. How much energy do you really have at that point to travel, pursue your passions and “enjoy life”? Yes, that card had ALL of this racing through my head. It seemed to suggest a “dream now, live later” life. I am fully on board with a “dream NOW and do it NOW” way of life. (tweet this) I have all of these ideas and desires for my life NOW. I can’t get to every single thing right now but I’m determined to do as much as I can.

By the time I’m 70 I want to be still enjoying my life but I really want to be at a point where I’m not chasing myself and trying to do things that I’ve wanted to do my whole life. I’d rather that time be spent still pursuing and dreaming but also doing a great deal of reminiscing about all of the dreams I’d made a reality. That’s my goal. What’s something that you’ve put off to do later that you could do right now?

If The World Wrote You A Letter


“We’re all desperately waiting for you to just do it.  What are you waiting for?


The World

Is that the kind of sign we need to get things moving? Does the world really  need to cry out for us to set out on the path of turning dreams into reality? The truth is, the world really is waiting for you to just do it – whatever “it” is. Whatever it is you want to offer the world, there is someone out here waiting for it. What you have to offer could change. their. life. Seriously, think about that. If you decide that it’s too much and you can’t get to it or it’s too hard you know what happens? A lot of somebodies miss out on something pretty special. Think about the people who have changed your life with their gift. It could be a pastor, a singer, a teacher or Oprah! If they hadn’t followed their heart and their passion, you would have missed out. Make sense?

waitingEvery year, so many of us make resolutions, intentions and commitments to rock out life in some way or another. We start off strong. Then around March we start to slow down. Our burning ambitions become a slightly visible flame. So what happened? Over the years, I have been able to point the finger at a few things. Sometimes it’s as simple as life. It gets hectic, it gets complicated, it changes before we are ready to make the adjustment and we have to roll with it. So, our original demands of ourselves become back burner suggestions at best. It happens. If you stop altogether now, you’ll be that much further behind and probably totally give up eventually. Don’t do it!

Consider this your permission slip to take those goals and dreams off the back burner and make them a priority again. Maybe you can’t take on the whole enchilada but how about one small piece of it? Everything is easier to chew in bite sized pieces, right?

Here’s what that looks like for me. Instead of taking on the task of writing a whole new book right now, I’ve decided to work on a few small things at a time. I’m still keeping the writing mojo going but giving the time to my family that they need too. It’s a win-win. I do what I love and my family still gets what they need.

So tell me, how can you take bite sized pieces toward your dreams, goals right now?

Rejection or Protection – It’s up to you


Rejection sucks. There’s no way of getting around it. It is no fun to want something or someone and get a big thumbs down thrown your way. We’ve all been there. Still, rejection is not something anyone wants to get used to.

The thing is, sometimes we have to get used to being denied. We just have to look for the lesson in it. For me, one lesson came when I moved to Los Angeles with the mission of working for the Style Network. I applied for months before moving to L.A. I continued to apply for every job I thought I was qualified for at the network once I moved here. For various reasons, I was told no. Denied. Rejected. Ouch. I tried to make sure I learned something form each closed door. It’s easier to see in hindsight. That’s when the dots start to connect. I wasn’t as ready as I thought I was to work in network TV. There were still some things I had to learn. Had I been hired for the jobs I had interviewed for, there wouldn’t have been time for me to get up to speed. It would have been a total hit the ground running type of thing. Lucky me that those didn’t pan out, I would have probably fell on my face.


The thing is, I didn’t give up. I chose to see the denials as simply delays. I kept looking for things that I was suited for. As someone in love with all things fashion, beauty and style, I was determined to work for that network. Fast forward, two years later and my fourth interview with the network and I finally got the job! It was a perfect entry point for me to learn as I grew there. Here are a few lessons I learned from that experience:

  • If you want it, don’t give up I recently read a blog by a woman who was nervous about not getting into medical school – for the second time. It is her dream to be a doctor. She was beginning to feel like if it didn’t work out this time, that maybe she should move on to something else.  By the end of the post she had convinced herself that this was what she wanted and there was no other dream. When you feel that strongly about what you want – DON’T GIVE UP!
  • Not now, doesn’t mean not ever  Even when things aren’t happening on the timeline you expect, don’t trick yourself into believing that it will NEVER happen.
  • If you believe in it, be willing to wait for itIn my situation, two years was a long time to wait to work for a network I had dreamed of working for. It was worth the wait though. My determination paid off. There’s no reason to believe that what you want won’t happen. NONE. Keep working and give it time.

How do you deal with denial? What dreams are you thisclose to giving up on? Tell me in the comments.

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Ahem, You ROCK!


I admit it, I’ve done it. I’ve set goals too big to wrap my arms around. Have you? While we work toward what we really want, the big Kahuna, things can seem like they’re moving in serious slow motion. With all that’s on your list of things to do, it can feel like you haven’t done anything when you’re checking them off one by one. Instead of looking at what you have left to do, make sure you make time to take in what you’ve done!



If you’re trying to publish your first book, be proud of the outline you’ve created. That’s progress!

Starting a vegetable garden? Taking the step to get the dirt, and the seeds and the planters is part of the process. It’s the beginning of a delicious garden. Also known as progress!

Got a big goal? Don’t forget about the little things along the way. No need to wait until reaching the big goal to celebrate. The so-called small things count too. Celebrate! Every.Single.One.

Speedometer - Reaching Your Goal


Here’s my view on it all. We all have to take baby steps to get o where we want to go. You need each and every small grain of sand to make a majestic sand castle. So no matter how small your steps are, keep walking. It will lead to something great, majestic even.

What goals are you working on? How do you make goals less overwhelming?

You CAN’T be what you want!




“The biggest fallacy on earth is that you can be anything that you want to be. You can only be what you were meant to be.” ~Oprah Winfrey

When I first read that quote, I had a big question mark on my forehead.  Then I read it again and it totally made sense. Everything I want isn’t always good for me. That goes for relationships, food AND ambitions.

When it comes to relationships, sometimes people show us who they are from the beginning and we have the choice and the chance to walk away. At other times, we learn who they are the hard way. It’s not always easy to know that some relationships just weren’t meant to be.just be you facebook


Growing up I wanted to be a singer,  a supermodel and a writer. Well, I don’t have the nerve to get up in front of people and sing. I’m too shy that way. I did, however, have the nerve to get up in front of people sometimes half naked and walk a runway or take photos.  Even still, I’m no supermodel. That industry wanted more than I was willing to give and I gracefully bowed out. So I guess one out of three ain’t bad.

I am a writer and have been for what seems like forever. Writing is what I was meant to do though. Motivating people, is what I’m meant to do.  Still, getting to that place of figuring out what I want and if it’s what’s meant for me took some trial and error. It took me auditioning for a choir and realizing my voice refused to meet me at the audition for me to finally accept that as much as I love singing, I wasn’t meant to do it on that level. Sometimes it takes having jobs that make us miserable to realize it’s time to do something else. Whatever the case, realizing we have the choice and the chance to be EXACTLY what we are meant to be is exciting and worth the journey.  What do you think about Oprah’s quote?


How to live the Celeb Life


Love it or hate it, becoming a celebrity pretty much guarantees your spot as a role model. Many complain about it, some embrace it and others just shrug it off.  One thing is for sure; kids gravitate to celebrities and emulate them – good and bad. What is it about these people that make our kids AND us want to be just like them?  Money, fame and celebrity all play a part. But at the end of the day, these are people who have followed their dreams. That’s it! It’s following your dreams that make people want what you have and want to be like you.

“If you’re the type of person who has to fulfill your dreams, you’ve gotta be resourceful to make sure you can do it.  – Vin Diesel

Following your dreams and eventually living your dreams will make you successful. It doesn’t have to be success on the level of your biggest celebrity – but it could. Your success will come because it’s your dream, it’s what you love and you’ll work your butt off because you love it.  Isn’t that how the real celebrities do it?! It kinda goes like this: dream àwork à work à dream fulfilled. Dream some more à work à work. The difference is your adoring fans are your mini-me’s. Awesome.

celeb lifeSource

For me, pursuing my dreams is important because of the type of role model I want to be for my kids. There are a couple of benefits to going for your dreams, as a mom:

1 – It teaches kids to go after what they want. I dream up pretty lofty goals for myself with an attitude of why not?  I’ve reached some of those goals, others I’m still working on.

2 -It teaches them that nothing is impossible. Of course, that’s not to say that it will be easy but with hard work, their dreams are SO possible.

3 – Watching dreams unfold gives a sense of accomplishment. It’s one thing to talk about something but to actually be about it and watch it happen… that’s bliss. Why wouldn’t a kid want to emulate that?!

4 – Goal setting is fun! I may be an odd bird but I think setting a crazy, outrageous goal is fun and challenging. It’s even more fun when you reach that goal. It’s empowering when you realize you can do things that people tell you are impossible.

So tell me, do you have a dream you think is impossible?

What’s in Your Bucket


When it comes to bucket lists, mine is pretty full. I still have lots of things I need to cross off my list.  I am looking forward to one day riding in a hot air balloon, traveling to Paris with my family and taking a road trip in an RV.

Anything on my bucket list automatically doesn’t have a whole lot of urgency behind it. I think it’s good to throw a little must-do-it-right-now into the mix sometimes. For that reason, I’ve created a May bucket list.


image via

This list is much shorter than THE bucket list and makes me take action sooner rather than later. I don’t know what it is about me, I operate better with a deadline. That being said, knowing that I have to accomplish things on my list by the end of the month is a real motivator. It’s like my personal Mission:Impossible. Can’t you just hear the theme music?

  • This month, I HAVE to make progress on an e-book.
  • I have to get my post baby number two body back in the gym.
  • I must select new media contacts to introduce my book to.

Anything else I complete this month on top of that is icing on an already pretty sweet cake.

What goals can you set this month to keep you motivated?